Good afternoon, 

I hope you all had a nice weekend. Thank you for your kind words and messages this weekend. I cannot tell you how much it means to me. 

We will have our 5th-8th grade honor roll ceremony on Friday, January 12th at 8:15am. Please join us in celebrating our amazing students and their achievements. 

Here are this week's updates and reminders:

1. Special Session Board Meeting: The board will have a special called meeting on Wednesday, January 10th at 5:30 pm. The meeting will take place in-person at the high school. 

2. January Board of Directors Meeting: We will meet on Tuesday, January 16th at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom only.  You can click on this link to join.

3. Intent to Return (Required for all ERA students): Every January we ask our families to indicate whether they wish their current students to return to Eno River Academy during the following school year in our annual Intent to Return form. The deadline to complete is January 26. We use the online software called ScribChoice to collect this data for both current students and new, hopeful siblings. See the linked letter for directions. Intent to Return Scribbles Parent Letter

4. Board Game Club: Please see the attached flyer about this exciting new club for 4th-8th graders! 

5. Girls on the Run: Did you make a New Year's Resolution to be more active?  Here's your chance to do it in a fun way!  We're hoping to start another Girls on the Run team for 3rd-5th graders this spring (end of Feb to early May) and are looking for a few more parent/ERA staff coaches to make it happen.  It's a great way to both be active and also have fun in the ERA community.  You'd volunteer to help coach one day a week after school from 3-4:30 - all curriculum and materials are provided.  You don't need to be a runner as everyone goes at their own pace - we're just aiming to get kids (and ourselves) outside and moving with great social emotional curriculum too.  Please email/text us (Megan Shepherd-Banigan/Megan Robertson) if you are interested in joining the fun!

Megan S. 206-660-5258,
Megan R.

Have a great week!
