Dear Eno River Academy Community,

As we navigate this time of administration transition, the Board of Directors acknowledges the potential impact on each of you, our school’s greatest assets. There are many decisions ahead of us as a school, and as a Board.  We recognize the importance of open communication and collaboration, and we hope for transparency and effective teaming with the entire ERA community, including teachers, staff, parents, and administrators. We recognize that our collective commitment to cultivating a positive, supportive learning and working environment is crucial for the success of the ERA school community. 

As a Board, we strive to keep the ERA community at the center of all decision making, as we keep focus on our common interest, goals, vision, and values. Our view of community is characterized by a shared sense of identity, belonging, and having compassion for making a difference in the lives of others. We hold this true as the foundation of what makes ERA a special place to work, and the special place for our children to grow and learn.

With this in mind, we would like to share with you some of our hopes in our work ahead.

  1. Establishing trust and inclusivity

    . ERA Board is committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment where everyone feels valued.

  2. Open communication.

    We encourage you to communicate with the Board of Directors members to share your ideas, concerns, and feedback. You can easily do this through the board email or by attending any Board meeting.  Anyone is welcome to speak during the public comment period at the start of our regularly scheduled board meetings. Board meeting minutes are posted and available to everyone.

  3. Collaborative decision making

    . Within the board, we have created an ED hiring task force, made up of three Board members who have been charged with outlining the plans for arriving at hiring recommendations utilizing a hiring committee. We will be providing information in the upcoming weeks for how to be involved with this committee.

  4. Upcoming

    . We will be holding a Special Board meeting on February 1, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. with a specific focus on Transition updates/decisions and By-law “compliance".  The meeting will be hybrid, located in lower school commons, and Zoom link:



Special meetings do not include public comments. Board meeting attendance is always voluntary.

In conclusion, we are aware of many feelings that this period of transition brings. Collectively, as a united school community, we can overcome challenges, embrace change, while also holding true all that makes ERA a special place.  We, as a Board, will strive to foster collaboration, engagement, and transparency as we move forward together.


Pamela Norcross, Dave Nagel, Jeremy Greene, Sabrina Kordys, & Margaret Barr